Build Better Calls-to-Action
It’s not new, but I keep finding reasons to share this great 2020 article from the Stanford Social Innovation Review: How to Build Better Calls-to-Action. It was authored by a group of researchers, many of them affilliated with the Center for Public Interest Communications at the University of Florida. They are doing fascinating research about how to communicate more effectively in these divided times. #highlyrecommend
But back to Better Calls-to-Action. Hopefully you are doing a briliant job of talking about the impact of your organization’s work. In your communications about that impact, are you always (and I mean always) clear about the action your story should inspire? That’s a call-to-action, and it’s the unsung hero of building more support for your organization and cause.
I won’t paraphrase the article. Just read it. And if you need help building better calls-to-action for your fundraising campaign, email me!