Lisa V Gray Nonprofit Strategies

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making a clear case for support

I love an organization that can clearly explain how the community benefits from its work. Kudos to the Council for Children’s Rights (Charlotte, NC) for the clarity it brings to its Case for Support:

The Case for Support isn’t the organization’s mission statement, which is typically a statement of the problem to be solved. No, the Case for Support tells us why we should support the organization’s work. And the CFCR example above does a few things really well:

  • We get a sense of the scale of the problem, thanks to the datapoints re: the big number of eligible students and the small number of trained attorneys.

  • We understand what’s at stake for these students and their futures.

  • We understand how CFCR helps those who want to help.

If your fundraising or communications could do a better job of showing how the community benefits from your work, let’s talk about it!